
Welcome to West Seventh Freelance! I originally named the blog after the neighborhood in which I live…

My first post on WordPress was October 18, 2012. It didn’t get many views, but the second was the first of many photo challenges and introduced me to many of you! It is crazy that nearly a decade has gone by since that first entry!

Since that time I have tried many themes and ideas, sticking primarily with the notion of developing skills in photography and exploring the world around me. So on we go– and time for an update and edit!

 The cats, Bagheera and dear Dylan who died in October 2021,  are featured in countless posts.

In August 2015, I wrote about my big sister Ginny’s dementia- possibly resulting from several concussions (two non-helmeted bike accidents and a fall walking the dog). Her adult children continue to join forces to create support for their mom (as do I). Despite geographic distances, we all seek proximity. In March 2019, Ginny entered  a Memory Care residence near her Florida home.

Thank you all for continuing on the journey… Christine, West Seventh Freelance

(A collage of the journey…)


40 thoughts on “About-

  1. Thank you for finding our blog. Our Mom loves to take pictures, too. She’s always pointing that flashy box at us…..but since she feeds us, buys us treats, and brushes us, we let her do it. Besides, she adopted us and we are so thankful!


  2. Your photos are great. I can’t believe its taken me so long to finally come and check out your blog! Thanks so much for following my blog and regularly liking my posts. I really appreciate your support. Sonia x


  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and introducing me to yours. I’m enjoying your blog very much. Are you from Minnesota? I was born and raised there although I now live in Oregon. I look forward to receiving more of your posts.


  4. My family still lives in MN and all I’ve heard all winter was how much snow you’ve had (and are still getting). We’ve had almost no snow this winter – very odd. I’m hoping the snow in MN stops soon as I’m going back to visit in a couple of weeks. I’d like it to be spring when I get there. 🙂


  5. Christine, thank you for the follow and the many ‘likes’. I’ve just been to your portfolio, really really great photos! Loved the rain and so many more of them. You are doing a great job in never getting too ‘serious’ around it as you say on your other site, it might be exactly the secret ingredient that keeps your art so alive and uplifting, even the ‘dark ones’…looking much forward to follow your work onward!


  6. Hello friend! 🙂 I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, because your photos are my favorite. They’re happy and full of emotion, and always unique. Always special. Feel free to link back or not, just wanted to let you know it’s there. 🙂 Happy Friday!


    1. Thank you Elisa! I just saw this! It is so encouraging to read your words…I am looking for work at the moment (photography and freelancing just isn’t going to cut it) and it always an uphill climb :).


  7. It’s funny that you said you were a little schizophrenic with the themes when you first started. I was pulling my hair out trying to get my blog right. I just started about a week ago and I’m still trying to get the hang of it. But it’s getting better :D.


  8. Hey,
    Just happened to run into your blog. You have got a beautiful space running here. Loved your work. Its very subtle. I guess I will be hanging around here a lot. 🙂 Great work


  9. Just read your comment on “Finding Joe” and know exactly what you mean having also come through what I call the worst year ever and now, staring into the maw of the consumer-driven holidays, am both angry and saddened that I am not feeling it at all… while we are our own worst critics and can possibly be our own best “heroes” the only solace is that a) it could be worse (my life motto) and b) our stubbornness will bring us through, as usual – in the meantime, my best wishes for the holidays and keep on trucking’…


    1. There is something compelling about them…I photograph the cats constantly and they really don’t do all that much to warrant such paparazzi-like attention. They are just so cute. You would probably like Mr. Bowie of the blog, Hands on Bowie (you may be introduced?)- thank you for stopping by!


      1. Some really lovely photos are there! I’m loving your blog, really really nice work. And congrats on getting “shoots”, and exhibit work. Wisconsin is even more beautiful than I’d imagined.


      2. You did. I photographed a vineyard in WI…it is right ‘next door’ to the Twin Cities… I really want to see the Southwest though…have never been and love artists like Georgia O’Keefe- want to experience that light and terrain…


      3. For sure! My husband drove from Western NC, where we lived until last year, and photographed his way to El Paso, with his cell phone. I can’t tell you what a child with a bad attitude I became, while he was gone. We’re planning to take the same trip, together, next time.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I am finally able to type, [after picking myself up from the floor laughing]. I saw your Gravatar image and it set me off into hysterics!! Whoa, talk about a flashback of memories!! Very pleased to meet you.


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